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Orlando Alves da Silva

Dr. Orlando Alves da Silva is a consultant ophthalmologist, surgeon and Professor of Ocular Motricity and Proprioception. He has treated nearly 50,000 patients. Dr. Orlando Alves da Silva is based in Lisbon, where he directs a busy multidisciplinary clinic and he provides specialist training to medical professionals from all over the world.
Orlando graduated in Medicine from the University of Coimbra, Portugal in 1971. He specialised in Ophthalmology at the University Hospital St Maria, Lisbon and in 1976 he established the Department of Strabismus for the Principal Military Hospital in Portugal. From 1977 - 2005 he was Director of Strabismus at the University Hospital St Maria with responsibility for 10 ophthalmology residents and 10 orthoptists. He was also tasked with setting up the Department of Strabismus for the Hospital of Ponte Delgada, Azores.
In the late 1970's, working with Dr Martins da Cunha, Director of Rehabilitation Medicine at the same University Hospital, Orlando pioneered Active Prisms for the management of Postural Deficiency Syndrome (PDS), which he published in several specialist journals in the 1980s. Orlando has also developed the use of prisms for Dissociated Vertical Deviation (DVD) avoiding the need for surgery, and has developed a treatment for certain types of Functional Amblyopia in adults.
Orlando was the Portuguese lead for the European project on infant videorefractive screening programmes, coordinated by professor Janette Atkinson. He was a founding member and the first president of the Portuguese Group of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. He was a member of ESA, and has presented his group's research at numerous international conferences as keynote speaker.
He is a Visiting Professor in several postgraduate courses including in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, and has published four books on the treatment of Postural Deficiency Syndrome.
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